The open and collaborative archive of AI prompts
PromptHunt allows everyone to share their most effective prompts while also exploring a curated repository of prompts created by others to accomplish various tasks.
AI is now accessible to everyone, but finding the right prompts requires time and effort. Collaboration and crowdsourcing are the solution!
The database and search engine for AI prompts
Generate and learn
Play around with AI models and learn how to create good prompts.
Share the best prompts that you find with everyone.
Find prompts
Find the best prompts for your specific use case and unlock the power of AI.
Upvote your favourite prompts and support the best prompt creators.
Donate to support the best prompt creators
Our funding mechanism supports the prompt creators that are more appreciated and valuable to the community.
Built on decentralized tech to be open and composable
Our prompts database is built with blockchain and decentralized storage to make it available for everyone to leverage and build on top. Create your own algorithm on top of PromptsHunt data to search for the best prompts for your specific use case.